Morality In Bram Stoker's Dracula

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Introduction: Through the course of life, humans face multiple stressful situations from moral dilemmas, uncontrollable urges, to simply put, life threatening traumas. The Ego, according to the Freud, deals with reality, and in essence, works as the mediator between conflicting demands of the Id, which represents the biological aspect of wants (desires, impulses, uncontrollable urges); and the Superego, the set of idealized, societal and moral principles. When these conflicts cannot be resolved, the mind implements a defense against these feelings of anxiety (feelings of being overwhelmed, ashamed, and threatened). With regards to such notion, Bram Stoker’s work, Dracula, is a great example of the Freudian’s Ego and its defense mechanisms…show more content…
Modern psychology defines this state of sublimation as workaholism; accordingly, Jonathan does not see his obsession with work as a choice, but subconsciously perceives it as a duty. 10SP The more explicit scene for the Freudian analysis is presented in the chapter III, by the Jonathans encounter with the Vampire ladies; however, the defense mechanisms, defined by the character’s reaction, are rather complex and intricate. The Vampire ladies made Jonathan “uneasy,” he felt “longing” and “wicked, burning desire … both thrilling and repulsive” then, minutes after the vampire women attempted to seduce him, Jonathan “sank down unconscious,” unable to confront “the horror.” While caught in the trance-like state between the unconscious(ness) and conscious(ness), Jonathan becomes more vulnerable to his subconscious sexual desires; furthermore, he wishes to be bitten and has an urge to continue. After the trance is broken, Jonathan takes a few seconds to process the experience, and is so overwhelmed that he faints, and from that moment, he refers to the Vampire ladies as…show more content…
What is more interesting is that the feelings of lust and uncontrollable desire are less tolerable to Jonathan then the threat to his life or realization that he is a prisoner. After Dracula saves him from the vampire women, Jonathan hides in his “sort of sanctuary, for nothing can be worse than those awful women... who are waiting to suck my blood.” He decides that his room is now a safe harbor, because he is now being protected by Dracula. This passage gives us a glimpse into a mental reasoning of the victims with the Stockholm syndrome, as, for a time being, Jonatan is willingly accepts the “protection” by Dracula, thus in order to reject his feelings toward the Vampire ladies, he is ready to accept his prisoner position as protection and, in some regard, thankful for this

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