Homework Should Be Taught In Schools

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Should kids and/or teens be allowed to retake quizzes so that they don’t end up with zeros? No, the thought that anyone thought this kind of rule would be acceptable by any school is overlooking many big flaws with that idea. For one, I would like to reference other countries grading systems, one in particular: the UK. The UK’s grading system is entirely different and due to the fact that their GPD, compared to ours, allows their students to do adequate even at a grade of 50. The reason for that is due to them not needing their students to do fairly well in their studies and instead allow them to be more lenient on the grade averages. The US’s average grades on the other hand have to be at a minimum of 70 for them to be able to help out in our…show more content…
If the student has no physical, mental, or emotional problem it should be no problem for them to complete the assignment, excuses only work so much and while some of them are valid reasons, most of them are just top-of-the-head excuses that are blatant lies. Back to something I didn’t discuss about a while back: the statement I made while back. While if you do try to fix the past, it will always just lead to you never learning anything, you’ll always try and tweak it, you’ll never see what you have to do, but if you learn from it there’s a very likely chance that you won’t be able to fix your past, but instead work for a better future. Repetition isn’t a suffice way to learn nor is it a way of learning that teachers should make available for students. If you want kids to learn you’ll have to make them see their mistakes and faults to allow them to better those faults that damage themselves and others academic grades. No amount of repetition will enhance a kid’s grade, in fact they’ll most likely just continue being stuck on them same thing over and over again, while other work that they’re not getting done piles

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