Higher Education System Case Study

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THE HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM: A COMPARISON OF STUDENTS AND UNIVERSITIES OF HIGHER EDUCATION OF BRAZIL AND TURKEY ÖKTEM, Mustafa Kemal kemalok@hacettepe.edu.tr Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Hacettepe University MACEDO DE SOUZA, Erica erica.souza@hacettepe.edu.br Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Hacettepe University Abstract: The higher education has been directly associated with human, economic and social development, for this reason the access and permanence in the university are envisioned goals by developing countries such as Brazil and Turkey. Both countries are classified by the World Bank as developing countries and are in the same index rating range of human development (HDI)…show more content…
To this end, it was used the data published in 2013 by the National Institute of Studies and Educational Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP), a federal public entity under the Ministry of Education of Brazil and The Council of Higher Education (Yükseköğretim Kurulu, YÖK) of Turkey, with 2012 as the base year. In addition to the general data of the two countries has been presented and analyzed information on the particularities of higher education institutions regarding their classification as public and private. It was observed that the Brazilian and Turkish reality differs in both quantitative and qualitative aspects, such as the number and types of educational institutions, the forms of student enrollment at the university and enrollment in public and private institutions. On the other hand, there are similarities that point to universal trends…show more content…
Public spending on education in both the country are still below the standards of developed countries. In an educational system where the investment in education is low and the produces are, the composition of society, in terms of training of its citizens, is greatly affected. The development is no longer associated with the simple idea of economic growth, in order to become part of the socio-cultural transformation as an essential factor in the overall progress of human communities. However the development and social progress is not possible without an educational endeavor for the transformation of mental structures and the institutional framework of traditional society. The lack of qualified workforce and technicians at different levels and sectors of economic activity generated by the poor quality and lack of access to education at all levels is a difficulty often mentioned as a direct cause for the economic underdevelopment, making it impossible to achieve a satisfactory pace

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