Health Issues In Nigeria Essay

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2.2.5. Health issues in Nigeria Health issues has been a major problem in Nigeria as lives running into millions are lost on a yearly basis due to health issues. Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu highlighted some of the major health problems as HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and malaria. stated some of the major health issues in Nigeria as Malaria, Common cold or Flu, HIV/AIDS, Pelvic Inflammatory disease, Hypertension, Acute diarrhoea. Another website listed some issues which are rampant in Nigeria some of the issues were the same as the above listed issues but they added two other such as maternal health, reproductive health • Malaria • Common cold or Flu • HIV/AIDS • Pelvic Inflammatory disease • Hypertension • Acute diarrhoea • Tuberculosis • Maternal health, • Reproductive health • Cancer Malaria Malaria influences 3.3 billion individuals, or half of the total populace, in106 nations and regions. WHO gauges 216 million instances of malaria happened in 2010, 81% in the African area. The World Health Organization says that there was about…show more content…
It is also important to note that Nigeria has the second highest number of individuals living with the Human Immune Virus (HIV). The HIV virus in Nigeria is mind boggling and varies broadly by area. In a few states, the scourge is more thought and driven by high-chance practices, while different states have more summed up plagues that are maintained principally by numerous sexual associations in the overall public. Youth and young grown-ups in Nigeria are especially defenceless against HIV, with young ladies at higher hazard than young fellows. There are many hazards that calculates that add to the spread of HIV, including whoring, high-chance practices among nomad labourers, high pervasiveness of sexually transmitted infections(STI), furtive high-chance hetero and gay individuals, global trafficking of ladies, and irregular blood

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