Health And Social Care Level 2: A Personal Analysis

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As I was growing up, I never knew what it was that I wanted to do. I couldn't see myself in a certain career, but I did know one thing, and that was that I wanted to help others. I decided that I wanted to study Health and Social Care Level 2 as one of my GCSE choices and I surprised myself. Achieving two distinctions in this was enough for me to believe that if I could succeed in the theory side of Health and Social Care, I could succeed further in the practical side. Following on from when I left school in 2012, I enrolled at The Ilfracombe Academy Sixth Form and took Health and Social Care Level 3. Alongside this, I started doing volunteer work with One Ilfracombe. I became a Digital Inclusion Volunteer, and I loved it. I felt so much appreciation from the service users that I helped develop their skills using technology. It really is a special moment seeing a 77 year old women get to Skype her grandchildren living in Australia for the first time. If there's one thing that I learnt from my volunteer work, it was that something that was so little and easy for me to do, could mean the world to someone else.…show more content…
Knowing that I wanted to get my career started in Health and Social Care, I applied for two jobs and got offered both. I decided that I wanted to work at Tyspane Care Centre in Braunton. This was definitely the step up that I needed. I still work at Tyspane now, and I've learnt so much. Becoming a care assistant has made me a stronger person. I've learnt to care for people that can no longer care for themselves, help them with daily tasks and I've learnt how important it is to work as a team in such a large working

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