Harley Davidson: Customer Relationship Management

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Question 1: CRM is about perfecting relationships to maximize a customer's value over time. Modern marketing cares about giving the best value and satisfaction to the customer, and this is by building and maintaining a profitable customer relationship. Customer relationship management involves detailed information about individual customers. In addition, CRM can be defined as a process that maximizes customer value through on-going marketing activity. (Baran Roger, Zerres Christopher, 2014) For building long-term customer relationship, the Harley Davidson gives a lot of time on understanding the needs of their customers. Hence, their work is the long-standing basis for retaining and attracting customers continuously. For this reason, they…show more content…
Hence, no such problem can take place for related sales. However, when there is huge demand of the good, then the company does use this concept because it helps them in increasing their supply. Product concept: When the product is made in standard manner, then it would able to attract maximum customers in the competitive marketplace. For this reason, this concept is focused towards the quality of product to be made in a good way, which help in retaining and attracting customers for longer duration. Selling concept: Companies think that product cannot be purchased easily, but they need to think out of the box and made the product in an attractive manner so that they can sell the products towards the customers. Marketing concept: Companies can get high level of success when they achieve maximum customer satisfaction. In this manner, these types of companies made those products that customer’ needs only. Societal marketing concept: Different companies think for customer satisfaction as well as their welfare…show more content…
This process starts with recognizing the need. The purchaser first should know what the problem is? Or what does he want? After that, look around for information from sources to collect in order to find a solution. The purchaser will find several options and has to assess and evaluate each option in order to choose the right one. Next step is the purchase phase, here the purchaser has made a decision and chose the right product, but it is not the end of the process. The last step is the level of satisfaction of the purchaser to the product after purchasing it. It depends on the purchaser's expectations and the product's perceived performance. If the expectations match the performance, then the purchaser is satisfied. If it does not match, then the customer is dissatisfied. For Harley Davidson's customers, most of them go through the whole five steps stated above, these steps help the concerning consumers to purchase their motorcycle in an easy manner. In order to collect information about a specific product, the purchaser need some sources to look in. there are four sources that help the purchaser to increase their knowledge about a product or several

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