Nicomachean Ethics: An Analysis Of Aristotle's Ethical Virtue

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In Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle proposes an ethical virtue theory in which he makes his own account of happiness and the good life. He examines in depth how a human being ought to act in a society and what are the imperatives of a choiceworthy life. This work has majorly contributed in the field of Moral Philosophy; hence it is indubitably worth being studied. The purpose of this paper will be firstly to explain Aristotle’s argument, which led him to the following conclusion “the human function is activity of the soul in accord with reason or requiring reason”(1098a). Moreover, we will provide the Philosopher’s justification that there must be a close relationship between human happiness and the human function. Aristotle argues that if…show more content…
* (1097b20). In this last passage, Aristotle means that in order to attain the final human good, which is happiness, one is required to be active within his specific function; it is not a state in which the human remains static and inactive. As we have examined hitherto, the specific function of the human being is activity of the soul in accord with reason or requiring reason; thus it is necessary to act within the realm of reason in order to attain the end, which is happiness. So, whatever other action that does not require reason would not attain the final human good, but some other end. Aristotle adds an element that assures the human being to act well and finely; that is not only acting requiring reason or in accord with reason but also in accord with virtue. Hence, the Philosopher further clarifies the kind of action one has to perform, for happiness to be reached, “And so the human good proves to be activity of the soul in accord with virtue, * and indeed with the best and most complete virtue, if there are more virtues than one. * “ (1098a17). Just as a flautist needs to play the flute excellently, likewise the human being must act virtuously in accord with reason, in order for him to be considered as an excellent human being. Therefore the relation between human function and human happiness in crucial, for the former is the means by which the latter is

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