Allegory Of The Cave And Socrates Analysis

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Happiness is the most fundamental goal that every human being is trying to achieve in life. Furthermore, it is the most efficient way to attain peace between people, societies and even inner peace within a person’s own soul. However, the manner in which happiness is defined varies from one individual to another according to philosophy, religion and even illusory stories and myths that demonstrate the notion of happiness by a certain character. For instance, the view of happiness that is revealed by Oedipus in the story “Oedipus the king”, Plato in the “allegory of the cave” and Socrates in his apology are different. In particular, Oedipus believed that life is nothing but an illusion that is full with misery and free from happiness, Plato believed that happiness is attained through knowledge and reason while Socrates believed that having a purified and virtuous soul is the main source of happiness.…show more content…
This ideology of happiness is resulting from the painful life that he experienced. He thought that he had everything going for him, he was the king of Thebes and he had a nice wife and children. But then the sour truth came out, and his happiness vanished when he knew that he is the one who killed his father and slept with his mother. Therefore, He spent the rest of his life hoping for death to be liberated from his unhappiness. This illustrates that happiness according to Oedipus couldn’t be achieved through knowledge, because that knowledge was too hard undertake and it fettered him rather liberating him. However, Oedipus’s ideology of happiness is very common among people; some people spend their entire life believing and dreaming of illusory things to happen, while at the end of the day all these delusions turn out to be nothing but a vast sin that they were

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