Graphic Design Personal Statement

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Seeing the application of creativity through society in different mediums such as books, magazine and businesses; I visualise everything as an element of graphic design. The reason I have a passion for graphic design is because I have a passion for the development of an idea, from concept to finished product whereas other people just tend to see the finish product. Having seen my sister progress as a Graphic Designer has given me the inspiration to one day produce my own designs. Seeing her use Photoshop and Illustrator at the age of eleven to create her own interpretation of somebody's brand or product made me immediately want to do the same. For me, everything is now all about how it looks, and how the design is presented. Within modern society,…show more content…
As an individual, being able to speak the Greek Language fluently, shows that I am committed individual who aspires to learn new things, and take on new challenges. I am interested in drawing, photography and using the Internet. I express my creativity through drawing; it allows me to express my individuality and to research ideas within the creative field. I am captivated by the immense satisfaction that I gain from my sketches, and know I could apply my creativity to the course. Photography has always played a vital role in my life because it allows me to preserve important moments in the form of a photo. I believe my interest in photography will give me a wider pallet of inspiration for my future designs. Internet is designed differently from website-to-website. The Internet is something I couldn't live without due to the fact, I am constantly checking on different social media websites, blogging my creativity, and keeping updated with what is happening in society. Social media has played a major role in the development of my work. It has provided a platform for the public to critique my designs, and where I am able to build on constructive criticism to further improve my designs. I feel that studying Graphic Design is definitely the course

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