Coach Carter: Basketball Team At Richmond High School

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Coach Carter is a movie based on a true story about a small business owner who is asked to coach the basketball team he played for when he was in high school. Coach Carter was an All-American basketball player. This movie takes place in the inner-city; the population is African-American, Hispanic and low-income Caucasian students. Mezirow stated, “The domain of instrumental learning centrally involves determining cause - effect relationships and learning through task-oriented problem solving” (Mezirow, 1991, p. 73). The story is based on the basketball team at Richmond High School when Coach Carter accepts the position the team has a losing record, and they do not work together as a team. The current coach at Richmond High School ask Coach…show more content…
I think these three characters went through extraordinary transformative learning changes throughout the movie. Coach Carter graduated from Richmond High School in 1971. He was also a student athlete. When Carter attended Richmond High School was faced with many of the same challenges. Many students did not graduate and faced the unforgiving world of the intercity. Many of his former teammates either went to jail, or they were murdered in Richmond. This is the major reason Coach Carter accepted the head coaching job at Richmond High. He is a successful small business owner in the community. Mezirow (2000) stated, “Critical reflection in the context of psychotherapy focuses on assumptions regarding feelings pertaining to interpersonal relationships; and adult education its focus is on an infinitely wider range of concepts and their accompanying cognitive, affective, and conative dimensions” (Mezirow, 2000, p. 23) Carter and his wife are the parents of a son who attends one of the best prep schools in Richmond. His son wants to play basketball for him after he discovers his father has accepted the job at Richmond high school. Initially, Coach Carter tells his son that he will not allow him to play for Richmond High School, because they already a success plan for him at his current school. However, his son turns the tables on Coach Carter, giving him a contract like the one Coach Carter gave the player on the team. Ultimately, Coach Carter approved his sons transfer to Richmond. Cruz was one of the basketball players on the team. He was very popular and loyal to his friends however Cruz had a bad attitude and he sales drugs for his cousin. Cruz had a problem with respecting authority, and it resulted in him leaving the team. Eventually he came back to coach Carter asking to return to the team, as it appeared he miss the camaraderie with his

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