The Themes Of Irony In Elizer Wiesel's Night

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“Night is purer than day; it is better for thinking, loving, and dreaming. At night everything is more intense, more true. The echo of words that have been spoken during the day takes a new, deeper meaning” Elizer Wiesel. The book “Night” was based on a true story of a holocaust survivor. Elizer and his father Chlomo went from camp to camp, from beating to beating, all for his father to end up dying in the end. I will explain three types of irony that takes place in the story. Firstly, dramatic irony, is Madame Schacter’s warning is an outcry about a fire in their future. Secondly, verbal irony, is the yellow star that symbolizes if one is Jewish. Lastly, situational irony, is after the tragic event of leaving the camp, only to have it liberated…show more content…
He went to the hospital and luckily he got a doctor that was also Jewish. Sadly it meant that he would need surgery and was at risk of getting his leg turn out that he only had a pocket full of puss on the heel of his foot. The the surgery went well but it meant that Elizer would have to stay in the hospital for a while. The guy next to him told him that there are more selections while you are in the hospital. Suddenly all of the prisoners were being deported. The only thing was that everyone in the hospital would need to stay. Elie had the idea of getting his father in as a patient or a nurse. The would have to face a greater chance of being selected and taken to the crematory; or they could leave with the rest. Elie and Chlomo decide to go with the others on the march. Elie has a very difficult time because of his unhealed foot. They were required to run in the snow, if not, there is the risk of being shot. They make it but have to stay another three months before the camp is liberated. Tragically, right after they left for the march, only two days later everyone in the hospital was set free. Russians came and liberated the camp. This was ironic because only two days after they decided that they had a better chance at living by going away. If they had only stayed they wouldn't have had to go through all of that. Plus the fact that his father might have made it, if…show more content…
There were plenty of warnings and signs that could have saved them from the sickness, beatings, and even the death of Chlomo. The step by step process to try and kill every single Jew, all starting with the yellow star; the one that “won’t” kill you. Then the tragic decision of of leaving the camp, when they could have been saved. The holocaust was a very terrible time, about six million jews were killed. “The holocaust illustrates the consequences of prejudice, racism and stereotyping on a society. It forces us to examine the responsibilities of citizenship and confront the powerful ramifications of indifference and inaction” Tim Holdon. Today in the modern world, racism is either a joke or not at all. Kids and other play around and say offensive words that are funny, but they are only funny to them. To other people that are of different race, take it very personal; it can start something huge and someone can get very hurt. Things are so different in today's world I feel like if anybody tried to do something like this again our society would not let it happen. There will always be stereotypical people and people who don't think certain people have the right to live comfortably and peacefully. But it has changed enough that they wouldn't let something like this happen again, not willingly. When I read this book it definitely made me cry, I would have the book with me and people would warn me about it. Like Elizer

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