Gender Roles In Lysistrata

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Rohan Harrison Professor Mandoiu AUCW 180 25 October 2015 Lust for Peace Power through sexuality seems to be a prevalent theme in Lysistrata, by Aristophanes. In the play, men and women are both seen as being equally lustful towards each other. Despite this, the women seem to prevail through this protest. The women get what they want through one of the earliest noted peaceful protests, while the men give in. Given the circumstances of modern times, and the progression of moral understanding through history; I believe that a similar protest in modern times would not fare well, however that is not to say it would not have an effect. In the play the women, organized by Lysistrata abstain from having sex with the men of the city in exchange for…show more content…
People such as philanthropists are often very influential over large masses of people. They lay the foundation for their ideals and goals, and have some role in seeing it through. Likewise, Lysistrata plays a similar role by guiding the other women to accomplish a shared goal. People such as Lysistrata are great when there is a shared goal or idea, however there are instances especially today where such protests can be a waste of time and resources. Simply making one aware of an issue is not always effective in solving it. Poorly planned out protests can and have proved to cause nothing but disdain for those protesting. While the idea of Lysistrata’s protest was very simple, it was a very effective method of protest given the circumstances. There are too many variables today to successfully predict if such a protest would work; however it is not likely. Protests are a mechanic employed by those willing to voice their opinions, and in modern society, it has become a necessity. As a woman at the time, Lysistrata and the other women might not have been as influential, had they not abstained from something such as sex. The actions of protests seem to be what accomplish goals, and they are even more effective when the thing being taken away cannot simply be replaced. Aristophanes shows this in a fun, sex comedy when it becomes a war of endurance between the men and

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