Gawain And The Green Knight Analysis

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Have you ever felt the pressure of high expectations? Whether it be grades, sports, or some other activity, everyone has felt the need to meet standards. Whereas a lot of this comes from peers, a lot of stress can come from personal goals as well. In the poem, Gawain and the Green Knight, we are introduced to young Gawain- nephew to King Arthur. According to legend, Gawain was not the strongest or quickest fighter. However, he had one thing that set him apart from the others: he strove to be the best he could be. Even though Gawain failed along the way, his drive to prove himself made him an ideal knight. Throughout the story, Gawain is constantly faced with one of his biggest rivals: his own reputation. Everywhere Gawain goes, he is known…show more content…
Firstly, one trait that Gawain exemplifies is humility. For instance, in the very beginning of the poem, the Green Knight challenges the court, specifically King Arthur, to fight him. Gawain accepts the challenge to protect his uncle. Gawain states that it would be better for him to exchange in the duel rather than any of the others because he was not as valuable as the other men. He also admits that he believes the only reason he was accepted as a knight was his blood relation to the king. Another admirable attribute of the young knight is his generosity. When Gawain arrives at the castle, he offers his services to his host. Upon request of the lord, Gawain keeps his wife company as well as staying at their abode for a longer period of time. Even though these things were not something that was of big consequence, Gawain still wanted to honor the wishes of the lord. Lastly, Gawain exhibited purity. This is perhaps the most important virtue- and rightly so, for it was attacked the most. As a knight of the round table, he had to fulfill certain obligations, one of them being in the way he treated women. While Gawain did kiss the host's wife, he was keeping up the conduct expected of a knight. He remained consistent in his treatment of both the older woman and the beautiful, young hostess. He refrained from further seducement and maintained his
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