Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Analysis

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“The longest and toughest journeys are normally the most rewarding” Yet unknown, this inspiring quote comes from an individual with enough wisdom to understand what a long journey such as the poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight entails. The poem focuses on one man that shows what it truly means to be a chivalrous knight. During medieval times being a chivalrous knight was a huge deal that came with a lot of responsibilities such as being loyal, honorable, brave, and courteous. All traits Sir Gawain, the “youngest knight of the Round Table” (Dunn), has gained along this powerful poem. In Part one of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Sir Gawain is portrayed as a self-deprecating, bold and strong knight. All qualities of an exceptional knight…show more content…
Sir Gawain is illustrated as a loyal and brave character throughout this part. At this point, The Green Knight has told Sir Gawain that he must go back in a year for the dare to be returned. Sir Gawain knows he needs to keep his promise in order to symbolize a chivalrous knight. So without a doubt, keeping his promise symbolizes him as a loyal individual. According to poem, “A year later, in November, after a feast in his honor, Sir Gawain sets off to keep his promise to the Green Knight” (Ridley 65). Thereafter, after a long and tiring journey Sir Gawain arrives at the Green Capel where he was warmly welcomed by Lord Bertilak. Lord Bertilak proposed a game to Sir Gawain that whatever game he kills shall be Gawain's in exchange of whatever good fortune Gawain gets throughout the day whether it is of trifles or it is something better. Both agreed to perform this gift exchange at the day, for three days. “Gawain, approached in his bed by Lady Bertilak, reluctantly accepts a single kiss from her. At day’s end, the lord gives Gawain his kill; in return, Gawain kisses the lord” (Ridley 65). Evidently, Sir Gawain keeps his promise by exchanging gifts with Lord Bertilak at the end of day 1 like they both agreed to do. Moreover, “At the end of the second day, the lord returns with a huge boar for Gawain, who, having had a second visit from the lady, kisses the lord twice” (Ridley 65). This also…show more content…
Such as mentioned above bold, strong, loyal, brave, and faithful. Although Sir Gawain is looked down on by his peers he was not expecting to take on such a huge dare and responsibility but he did. This is a clear indication that he was desperate to prove himself as a knight. Clearly, Sir Gawain expresses some of the most important characteristics of a true chivalrous knight and after reading this epic poem “we can all see a bit of ourselves in Sir Gawain” (Dunn). Without a doubt, Sir Gawain has taught us the journey of
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