Friedrich Nietzsche's Theory Of Religion

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Friedrich Nietzsche, a German philosopher, once said “A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything”. In order to draw proper implications from this prompt and examine it from the perspective of different knowers, it must first be understood in the context in which Nietzsche intended. Nietzsche was opposed to the idea of religious faith as, to him, it was a weakness and delusion in man; instead, he advocated for the warrior lifestyles of the ancient Greeks in which nobility drove man to the highest level of achievement. (PY-111) With this in mind, though the word “faith” is defined as complete trust in something, in reference to Nietzsche as the knower, the most applicable definition is religious faith.…show more content…
(Routledge) Following his concept, he states that human traits that make humans psychologically inferior, such as emotion (which he deemed to be unreasonable thought) were rooted in religion. In contrast, focus on nobility as a value would make man strong. Thus he thought that having religious faith was unjustified as created weakness. According to this concept, religious faith is thus not reasonable. However, knowers who find strength in spirituality would disagree. Nietzsche gave an example of his ideal of man, in the Ancient Greeks, who lead high-achieving, warrior lifestyle. This would help support Nietzsche's idea that rational thought produced ideal humans, however, though the Greeks were strong, they themselves had Gods whom they had faith in to give them guidance. Specifically, they would speak to Oracles in order to communicate with Gods, such as Apollo, who were considered prophets and would give the Greeks guidance. Which is much like organized religion today, in which followers of religion may speak to priests as a channel to their God. A testament to the Greek’s faith is in the famous oracular site in Delphi, Greece. (Sacredsites) Home to the temple of Apollo and oracle, Pythia. We are able to deduce that as Nietzsche thought the Greeks were reasonable and the ideal humans, the Greek’s practice of…show more content…
In order to do so the question must be discussed, to what extent is religious faith true? As the existence of a higher being can not yet be proven or disproven, truth in relations to the principles in religion must be examined. However, these principles are not objective as different religions hold different values; furthermore, subjectivism exists in the interpretations of each religion by the individual. So what constitutes as justified true belief? The correspondence theory states that truth has to correspond to reality, and the coherence theory states that beliefs are true when they don’t contradict one’s larger, and more complex system of beliefs. An example of truth we hold today is heliocentrism. However, that wasn’t always an accepted truth. In 1633, Galileo Galilei was convicted of heresy by the Catholic Church for outwardly expressing his belief that the planets revolve around the sun. (History) In this situation, religion was used to reject an idea that we now deem “fact” in reality. In retrospect, principles of Christianity were not true. Which means that for this situation truth did not play a role in religion. However, in that moment in time, religious faith corresponded with the reality in Italy, which was dominated by eurocentric religions such as catholicism rather than science, meaning the religious belief of geocentrism was true. This shows the fluidity of what

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