Sartre Vs Nietzsche Essay

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Existentialism is a philosophical approach that emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining his or her own development through actions. Although Existentialism is not a branch of philosophy, it refers and relates to various philosophical beliefs like individual freedom and subjectivity. Jean-Paul Sartre and Friedrich Nietzsche didn't focus on traditional morality, but instead an ethics based on authenticity showing a relationship between human creativity and moral values. Sartre and Nietzsche had several similarities in their approaches, but where there are similarities there are also differences. After we take a closer look to some of their ideas and theories, I will argue that Nietzsche goes more in depth in his vision to create a more positive morality. To start, Nietzsche's assessment of morality is directed to the existence of a universal morality. He argues that an absolute morality forces values upon the people in a society, which interests only a selective group of people. Nietzsche also believes that the distinction…show more content…
These explanations all surround the idea that human beings are responsible for their actions. For Sartre, it's absolute freedom, which is a necessary state of existence; and for Nietzsche, we must find the differences in 'good' and 'bad' to us personally. Nietzsche and Sartre also explain how it is possible to live an authentic life -- bad faith and slave morality must be overcome. Both writers emphasize the process of self-creation and they stand by taking responsibility for our own lives as a crucial step on the road to authenticity, so we must dismiss the role played by external influences. One can only be authentic by taking the time to create your own values and work on your own

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