Friedrich Nietzsche's Philosophy Of Life

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Friedrich Nietzsche His philosophy is a philosophy of life, the creation of which has pushed Darwin's theory of the evolution of animals and plants. Acute and original drama and controversy reflected the era of transition from classical philosophy to modern philosophy. We distinguish three phases of his work: The first phase took place in the framework of thinking ideas of antiquity, creativity of Schopenhauer. During this period, written by "The Birth of Tragedy," "Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks", "Untimely Meditations". The second period marks a break with the previous philosophical tradition…show more content…
Morality - "the sum of preservation conditions of the poor, semi or fully successful unsuccessful species of man." Criticizes all philosophers, from Socrates, and its inherent rationalism, idealism and moral origin of all philosophical judgments. Introduces philosophy in Europe category of "value." The very philosophy he believes value-thinking, and the question of value for him is more important than the question of the truth of knowledge. Nietzsche introduced the concept of nihilism - the highest values lose their value. How does this happen? Gradually, says Nietzsche, there is the realization that the world is not some "objective," the achievement of which concerned the whole world, in the world there is "unity," there is no truth. Using these concepts, people believed themselves the meaning and measure of value of all things, "he created a whole to be able to…show more content…
"Will" for Nietzsche is concrete. The individual will of man, the essence of any existence and being is to increase and growth of this particular "will to power". The will of the said primary in relation to consciousness and thinking, and links it to human activity. "I have the will and action, and therefore, I live." Nietzsche understands life as a blind, irrational world, merged in the "will to power". The man who became lord of nature, master of his own wildness is a tremendous amount of power. "Life is only a means to something: it is the expression of growth forms of power." Smug human subjectivity imagines himself master of the world, nowhere unopposed in her same created world. There are not two worlds - the world of confidence and peace for us, there is one world - the world of life, struggle and defeat. Life for Nietzsche is between nature and culture. Live - it means to be other than nature does not obey any natural or human necessity. Life as a realization of man "will to power" - a sphere of creation of meaning, it Superlife devoid of
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