Essay On Plato's Cave

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The concept of Plato’s Cave was introduced by Plato to explain that it is the world of Forms which is the reality-the real world. The materialistic things die out and cannot be the reality. For example, if a flower exists, it will soon wither off and die. But its smell and the effect it created and the idea of a flower existing in one’s mind is the reality, which will continue to exist forever. Plato’s cave is described as an underground dark cave where people exist. These people have grown there since childhood and have been chained together such that they face a wall and cannot turn their heads back. There is a fire/source of light behind them which creates the shadows of these people as well as shadows of the passersby outside the cave…show more content…
It can be based on people, thoughts, concepts, objects, knowledge. While I have discussed these factors above, I would like to talk about the concept of power. Like knowledge and other beliefs, power is socially constructed too. It may not have a formal existence in its own, but it might just exist because that’s how it has been ‘socially constructed’. For example, in a family, every member is equal and has a right to live his life on his own. But usually the elders or the parents are the ones responsible for making decisions for everyone. Though, it might not be claimed, but they hold higher power in certain things. It is not declared to be like that, but that is how thoughts have been ‘constructed’. They, thus, need to be looked at closely, so that we know how such concepts came to existence. One benefit of everything being ‘socially constructed’ is that we do not need to develop new ideas every time we consider an object or theory. General observation is that one sits on a chair and so let that be. If everybody tries to alter the hows obtained from the origin, there would be conceptual conflicts which would lead to collapse of general concepts of the society. Social constructions thus attempt to ‘organize others’ realities with our own constructions’ and maintain uniformity in the
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