Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis

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The Metamorphosis, the transformation of Gregor Samsa from a human being into a disgusting Cockroach. The powerful story depicted how the wicked and odd mutation from a human being to an insect completely isolated Gregor from the Outside world. The metamorphosis really focused on the nature of the story, as in how Gregor’s transformation isolated him from the outside world. Gregor Samsa was a traveling salesman who disliked his job but only took it so he can support his family and pay for his sister to study music. At first Gregor sort of panicked not because of the realization that he turned into a roach but because he worried about missing the train and being late for work, but then he realized how bad he hates his job and having to wait on those trains or even…show more content…
It Is sad because the author shows you how cold the world can be when he was a man and the only provider for the family he was needed, but when he became an insect suddenly everything he was doing for the family was forgotten. They were ungrateful in a sense because when he as supporting them he was not appreciated but because he can no longer perform the tasks the realized how much he made a difference. The author made the Metamorphosis sort of a life lesson for the Samsa Family. The daughter Grete also did a transformation she transformed from a young girl to a young woman who had to get a job to help her family. The father also had to take over for Gregor and support his family as well. The Metamorphosis drifted off from Gregor and the focus then went on to the family and how they adapted to the situation. ‘’When Gregor Samsa awoke one morning for troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a monstrous insect. The quotation made readers realize the world in this story is out of word and
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