Essay Comparing Anthem For Doomed Youth And Futility

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The two poems, “Anthem, for doomed youth” and “Futility” by Wilfred Owen both challenge our perspective on the tragic changes of war. Anthem, for doomed youth and futility both explores the true identity of war. Anthem, for doomed youth portrays the horror of war and reveals those that die in war do not receive the normal ceremonies that are used to honor the dead. Through the poem, Owen expressed his emotions towards those who passed away while fighting in the tragic war. In “Futility”, the poem deals with the tragic death of a soldier who was close to Owen. These two poems convey ideas about the tragic changes brought by war through the use of several language techniques. “Anthem, for doomed youth” demonstrates the notion that wars create tragic changes on the world through the use of simile, “What passing bells for those who die as cattle?” The use of simile describes the “Doomed youth” dying “as cattle”. This depicts the large amount of people being slaughtered and the nature of war to be full of mass death. The effect of simile also illustrates how the soldiers are no more important that cattle as they are massacred without emotions. This conveys that no one cares for them when they die just like cattle. Simile is used to convey the notion about the tragic…show more content…
An example is “Only the monstrous anger of the guns.” “Only the stuttering rifles’ rapid rattle”. The use of personification and repetition portrays that those who die in war do not receive a proper funeral. Instead of hearing bell rings at the funeral, they hear horrifying gunshots and rifles rattle during the war. In the poem, Anthem, for doomed youth, instead of honoring those who fought for the country, more are being killed by the same weapons. This poems reveals that there is nothing good about going to war, as they do not honor individuals, rather leaving them to die on the

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