Physical Transformation In Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis

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In this novella “Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka, Kafka uses the physical transformation of the main character into a vermin, to trigger the transformation of his role in the family. Franz Kafka, was born the 3rd of July, 1883, in Prague. He grew up in a middle-class Jewish family, and studied law at the university of Prague. In 1923 he briefly moved to Berlin in the hope of distancing himself from his family's influence to concentrate on his writing. He died the 3rd of June , 1924, in Prague, due to tuberculosis. ¨Metamorphosis” was first published in 1915. It talks about a traveling salesman, Gregor Samsa, that wakes up one day to find himself transformed into a vermin, which causes a series of events and consequences to follow up, ending…show more content…
“Already in the course of that first day his father set out the fortunes and prospects of the family to his mother and sister. From time to time, he got up from the table and produced some certificate or savings book from his little home safe, which he had managed to rescue from the collapse of his business five years ago.” Whith all this moments mentioned above are presented by Kafka, he makes the reader feel that Gregor stops being a member of a family and becomes a burden for them. The author also achieves this by showing how the family start to think that it can’t go any longer this way, and they must ge rid of Gregor. “I don't want to speak the name of my brother within the hearing of that monster, and so I will merely say: we have to get rid of it”. ”We must try and get rid of it.” This makes Gregor realize he is nothing more than a burden to his family, which then causes him to accept death. ”He did have pains all over his body, but he felt they were gradually abating, and would finally cease all together.” ”He remained in this condition of empty and peaceful reflection until the church clock struck three a.m.” ”Then his head involuntarily dropped, and his final breath passed feebly from his nostrils.” Kafka is able to make the reader feel empathy for the main character by still making his humanity very present, as his thoughts and emotions are still very strong and shown, although he has no longer a human body. With this, he is able to create a very important effect, that makes the reader sometimes even forget Gregor is a cockroach, so when Kafka remarks gregor’s physical transformation throughout descriptions or lack of actions, it contrasts with the rest and stands out, which then causes Gregor´s role in the family to stand
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