The Samsa Family In Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis

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Death. The word easily spoken amongst the Samsa family members, as their limits of sympathy is pushed to the breaking point. Gregor’s mother, father, and sister Grete’s sympathy dissipates, as Gregor becomes helpless, dependent, and unlovable insect. In Franz Kafka’s novel The Metamorphosis, a lot is to learn about the Samsa family, as their beloved and sympathetic member Gregor becomes an unbarring obstacle. After Gregor’s metamorphosis, the Samsa family struggle with feelings of both sympathy and abhorrence as the theme, the limits of sympathy, emerges. At first, the Samsa household deals with a loving, sympathetic, anguish. Grete, after giving him food attempts to enter Gregor’s dwelling to see about cleaning up and whether he enjoys his…show more content…
Gregor’s mother, whom has been asking Grete for a full account of Gregor’s wellbeing (21), decides she needs to do something for her unhappy son. Grete and Gregor’s mother decide to move furniture out of his room to better suit Gregor’s needs. When moving furniture, Gregor’s mom accidently spots him on his bedroom wall. This is her second time seeing Gregor and her reaction, “[crying] out in a harsh, shrieking voice… [and collapsing]” (Kafka24), is just as hysterical as the first. Although she wants to do something good for her son, his appearance is too much for her to handle. After this encounter Gregor is closed with little to no knowledge of the situation in his family. With Gregor unable to work, the family has to get jobs (29). The busy family decides Gregor is not of top priority, so “ Gregor was now eating next to nothing” (Kafka31). Gregor is being pushed aside and is not even getting scraps effortlessly tossed in his room. Gregor’s transformation seems more and more permanent and with Gregor unable to convey he still understands them (8), it is getting very hard for the family to continue with the stress of caring for him. After a while of this, it is made apparent that Grete -the one who takes care of him the most- says, “we’ve got to get rid of it” (Kafka36). After saying this, the rest of the family began to agree. The family feels no more

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