Four Types Of Market

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Market can simply be defined as the arrangement that allows buyers and sellers to exchange various sort of goods and services. Every market consists of some essential elements like a commodity which is to be bought or sold, existence of buyers and sellers who are going to perform this activity, definite area of land where this activity is going to be performed and contact between buyers and sellers. Contact can be personal or impersonal e.g. letters, advertisement, fax etc. Markets can be found in various forms. Some markets are quite simple. For example: an ordinary general store is a market because it facilitates the swapping of goods. But most of the markets are relatively complex. For example: a stock exchange where shares of various multinational…show more content…
For example, if one wants to purchase a specific book, you can visit eBooks where you will find your desired book. So, marketing can be taken out between two ordinary people and it can also be taken out between two super powers of the world. Therefore, the word “market” is very enormous. There are mainly four types of markets i.e. Monopoly, Oligopoly, Perfect competition, and Monopolistic competition. A market where there are many sellers and many buyers offering the same product so that each competitor has least effect on the market price is a Competitive Market. A Monopoly is a market in which only one seller is present. A market with few sellers with low competition is Oligopoly while a market with many sellers but offering slightly different products and services are Monopolistically Competitive Market. Main characteristics of these markets in terms of price and output are described. To support these characteristics, real life examples are also…show more content…
He may leave the product which is not possible. Therefore, businesses enjoy greater output because these firms control the supply and prices. In perfect competition, a firm cannot enjoy greater output as there are so many substitute of a product. If a firm produces a certain product in excess quantity and then another firm enhances that product and comes up with a better product then that excess quantity produced will go in vein. Therefore, businesses don’t manufacture continuously in perfect competition because of frequent upgrades. In monopolistic competition, a firm can product a greater amount of product on the ground of its past performance and tract record. For example: we all know that Coca Cola is the leading soft drink brand with great history. If Coca cola is manufacturing excess amount of a certain product, it will not go in vein as it has a huge market and a large number of buyers. Therefore, monopolistic competition can enjoy greater

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