Formative Assessment Assignment

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One of the most important things that this certificate has helped me with was and still is the formative assessment. This is where students are monitored and supervised the whole time in class without intervening nor interrupting their thinking building progress. Moreover, providing them with feedback about where they are at and how to reach the coming step. This is all done to help leaners feedforward the critical learning phase and provide them with necessary aid to leap towards perfection and creation. The method used was very simple, whereas I have used different checklists, which were explained to the learners before the learning process. The types of checklists were divided into the following skills categories: Thinking Skills (Transfer…show more content…
Knowing the levels of the start point and start the assessment for learning phase by teachers and learners, will help in estimating the implicit skills of the learners and discussing with them what needs to be built and where would be the end result to be able to reach it. I know now that the best there is in order to build is to know the final step and design the whole process. Then comes the important part of assessing as learning that is where the checklists come in handy. Providing students with an on spot feedback, to show and tell them what they should be doing and how best to act. The final phase is to be able to evaluate the learning process and check if they have learned how to learn and mastered the required skills. What I have done was giving them homework assignments to research new information, build their writing skills as the topic was all about persuasion and finally demonstrate in front of the class what has been created. At this point, our courtroom was the main deal. Leaners prepared their roles and played the best act that I have ever seen from a lesson that only needed three classes to be…show more content…
I was the main center of the classroom and everything has to be through me. Always going for the point where my subject, which is teaching English, is all about reputation and practice in class. I was the one who teaches, explains and engages students with excessive class and homework assignments. Where at that point, they knew what the structure would be and what needs to be written. Where, unfortunaltly, they have not acted that in class and showed themselves of they really knew what was given or not. After coming to the closure of this certificate, my students loved my classes with all the activities and methods used to help them build, create and judge their learning methods and styles. What has been done was that I showed them the structure through engagement, they have researched what it possibly means and then they have written and explained wonderful things. Once we have a class that was set at the end of the day, my class would lose all of its value and none of my students would be inspired and ready to learn. Therefore, I always had to repeat my idea the first class that comes somewhere near the mornings. But now, my learners are motivated and thrilled to meet me and know what to do

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