Family Nurse Practitioner Research Paper

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Advanced practice nurses are nurses who have advanced clinical skills and advanced degrees in nursing. These professionals have expertise in medication management, pharmacological agents and physical assessment. Some advanced nurses even become certified in specialized areas of their practice. The role of a APNs can be clinical nurse specialists, nurse practitioners, certified nurse-midwives or certified registered nurse anesthetists. Compared to registered nurses and in some extent to licensed practical nurses, advanced practice nurses are generally considered to be more independent in their functions. The role of the advanced practice nurse that I am more interested in and the one that I am researching is the family nurse practitioner. My interest lies not only because it is the area of practice that I am admitted at South University for, but I am very interested in the family nurse practitioner, role because I find it to be more flexible than the others.…show more content…
By performing physical examinations, conjunction with and detailed history taking a NP can manage acute and chronic medical conditions NPs are qualified to order diagnostic tests, interpret obtained data and initiate medical treatment plans. NP can prescribe medications, and make referrals for acute and chronic medical conditions to other healthcare specialists, within their scope of practice. Depending on the state in which they work, NPs may or may not be required to practice under the supervision of a physician. In some states the nurse practitioners can function independently of a physician and therefore enabling them to start their own practice. NPs are able to fill the void created because of a lack of primary care physicians and in doing so, they provide a vital need for patient healthcare services. Nurse practitioners are able to perform their duties while working in a collaboratively fashion with other healthcare

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