Essay On Becoming A Nurse Practitioner

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Nursing hasn’t always been the first option for me but reality made it my option, I was cut out to be a doctor from the start because I was always inspired to be in the health fields. Along the line, I had the opportunity to have nursing education during which I saw a nurse perform deliveries without the doctor. This really changed my mindset and made me see nursing from a different perspective. I saw it as a professional course that had so many skills making it unique to other professional programs. I decided to make nursing my goal and so far I haven’t regretted it. On the 4th of June 2013, I entered into the United States of America with no knowledge of what to do. I felt like an outcast but I wanted the best for myself, I wanted to get into the best nursing school, get the best…show more content…
Unfortunately, I didn't get into nursing school for the May/June session, 2015/2016. I decided that if nursing school was for me, I will be admitted to the December/January session, 2015/2016. My main goal in life is to be a family nurse practitioner. This means furthering my studies into the masters and Ph.D. program. These are very expensive programs that I intend to save towards if I want the best education. Becoming a nurse practitioner takes an average of 6 – 8 years of study, tuition, research, clinical and enormous hard work. I want to be able to reach this goal successfully and I believe if I am supported financially; I will attain my goal in the best possible way. Primarily nursing classes have been very interesting. I am currently taking four nursing classes. One of the classes is a collaboration class and all we do is collaborate on different assignments and topics and being able to speak, reason, collate different points of different people is very encouraging. In terms of Extracurricular activities, I am involved in ASA meetings and we plan programs, come together to discuss and bring ideas

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