Pros And Cons Of Transtheoretical Model

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Transtheoretical Model Originators of the Transtheoretical Model The transtheoretical model was devised in the 1980s by authors, James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente. This model was developed to explain the concepts and ideas behind how a person attempts to make changes related to addictive behaviors(Hayden, 2013). The transtheoretical model explains a person’s experience with changing a behavior over a period of at least six months. After all, change is not a single event; it is a challenging process. When it comes to change, different people are at different levels of readiness so it is important to have a specific strategy based on their individual needs(Hayden, 2013). This model relies heavily on personal emotions, individual thinking processes and, of course, behavior(Cancer Prevention Research Center, 1998). Overview of the Transtheoretical Model The transtheoretical model consists…show more content…
At this point, it would be useful to weigh out pros and cons to the effects of making a change. When the individual is able to outweigh the cons with the pros, then they may move on to the preparation stage. This stage includes decision-making and creating detailed strategies to accomplish their goals(Kolundzija K. et al., 2011). The next stage is the action stage. In this stage the individual physically begins to make changes. They can do this by changing their perspective on the issue or changing their environment, which may be affecting them. This stage requires maximum effort and dedication. In this stage it is very useful to find alternate habits(Kolundzija K. et al., 2011). The last stage of change is maintenance. This stage is rarely reached. In this stage, the individual’s main focus is preventing regression and continuing to avoid the problem behavior(Kolundzija K. et al.,

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