What Is 1984 A Dystopian

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An imaginative society consisting of oppressive squalor in which all are heavily restricted by the absolute superiority of the ruling party. A society where repression and restrictions seem boundless, while the individual liberty of the citizen seems boundlessly obstructed. A society where mental deprivation and deception is the goal of the guardian; a society where misery and poverty are thrust upon the unsuspectingly loyal citizens; a society where the well- being of the people are of imperceptible acknowledgment, yet its inhabitants have been manipulated into perceiving such as utopian. Contrary to their deceit induced perceptions, these characteristics are quite the opposite of utopian, they are dystopian! Many authors portray their own…show more content…
By dystopian, the Oxford English Dictionary means an “An imaginary place or condition in which everything is as bad as possible.” Orwell utilizes the elements of dystopia to accentuate the fallacy of totalitarian government is dystopian fiction. This portrayal of dystopia is blaring itself, in that descriptions such as “the hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mat” to describe the ‘Victory Mansions’, this is only the first glimpse the reader sees of the rampant poverty of Oceania. Imagery laden descriptions of the setting such as “Were there always these vistas of rotting nineteenth century house, their sides shored up with balks of timber…and the bombed sites where plaster dust swirled in the air” paint a sordid scene in the readers mind. Orwell uses poverty to subtly criticize society, most notable in Emmanuel Goldstein’s book, which accentuates, almost exactly, the motives and faults of present day communism through the façade of the narrative “party”. Commentary on the fact that there are “three kinds of people in the world, the High, Middle, and the Low” opens the blatant political commentary that Orwell…show more content…
While “musing he had also been writing, as though by automatic action” he writes “Down with Big Brother”. Despite this act of rebellion, Winston develops as a character when he meets Julia. Though his fatalism remained, he had always resisted the party mentally; such an example is accentuated by the unique work that allows him to rewrite the past. Upon reflection about the party, the fact that Winston mentally resists is exemplified by his thought “They were wrong and he was right. The obvious, the silly, and the true had got to be defended. Truisms are true, hold on to that. The solid world still exists…”. Winston’s relationship with Julia, a youthful and vivacious woman, helps give Winston the courage to resist in a more significant way. Throughout the novel, the characterization of Winston into a bolder revolutionary, climaxing with his meeting with O’Brian, creates a sensation among the audience that Winston may be successful. Through these crimes, it is obvious to establish Winston as a protagonist who questions the society around him. Orwell has used characterization this way to create a foreboding tale that urges readers not to accept communism on the grounds that its totalitarian nature will not only repress, but make impossible any type

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