Examples Of Allegory In Dante's Inferno

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On the literal level, Dante has to go through Hell because he is unable to get past the three beasts who come at him as he begins to climb the hill rising at the end of the valley of the Dark Wood, the hill with the rays of the rising sun shining on it. He thinks he might make it past the leopard, but the lion makes him shake with fear, and the she-wolf puts such heaviness in him that he gives up all hope of climbing the hill, and the wolf drives him back into the Dark Wood. Virgil then comes to his aid and asks him why he isn't climbing "'the delightful mountain that is the beginning and cause of all joy'" (Canto 1, lines 77-78). Dante asks Virgil's help against the wolf, but Virgil sees her as so powerful in the whole world that Dante must take another route, starting by hearing the despairing cries of the damned. Dante's inability to get past the three beasts, especially the she-wolf, and climb the mountain directly is that one cannot overcome the drive to get what one mistakenly thinks will bring happiness by intellectual understanding and sheer willpower, especially when everyone in the world one…show more content…
One is that this is Dante's allegory of life, and as he is writing the story of a man who has strayed from the straight and narrow path to God, he has to be shown the consequences of his actions. So he is being shown hell first so that he can really see how bad things are if you don't follow the right path. After that he is shown purgatory, and then finally, paradise. In Dante’s Inferno there is the one “law of nature” that applies to hell, stating that for every sinner’s crime there must be an equal and fitting punishment. These punishments, however, are rarely simple or obvious and are usually metaphorically rather than literally related to their respective sins. that Dante wanted only to properly apply the pre-established standard of justice to his interpretation of
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