Sin And Punishment In Dante's Inferno

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Inferno of Dante is centered around Dante’s imaginative correspondence between a soul’s sin and punishment. Many important ideas in the book highlights God’s Justice, contradiction to God’s will, symbols, political arguments, and Classical Literature. Dante interprets his observations through all of Hell and categorizes punishments to be placed closer to the center of hell. In Canto III, it states that God was driven to bring Hell into existence. The purpose of Hell is to punish sin. Specific punishments are disbursed to souls who could not keep up with God’s will. This relates to the three and the nine circles where sinners are punished from minor sin to major sin. In Canto IV, Virgil and Dante reach Limbo, which starts their journey of Hell.…show more content…
Dante’s observations corresponds with Hell’s methods through his poem. Tension is created between Dante’s own sense of justice and his sympathy towards the abused souls around him. Inferno of Dante seems to demonstrate evil from Dante’s imagination, but this is all according to his religion, Christianity. Christian values play a huge part by analyzing, separating, exploring, and judging these sins. We tend to question the order of the minor and major sins. According to the text, bribery which is located in the Eighth Circle of Hell is more abominable than murder which is located in the Seventh Circle of Hell(Canto 12). Dante actually believed that fraud is more evil than violence. Fraud is in the lower level because it is betrayal in human trust. Immorality is Immorality. Contradicting God’s will is one of the major themes in Inferno of Dante. Dante is saying that God’s will is absolute with no further administration. The exploration through Hell represents evangelism. Inferno of Dante is only a story that teaches Christian

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