The Four Levels Of Hell In Plato's The Republic

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Plato asserts his position on justice throughout “The Republic”. His views constitute a model for how society should behave based on the values presented by Socrates in the dialogue. From Plato’s teachings, we can infer that to establish justice, we must establish several principals in our lives including proper education, moderation, and courage. Although Plato describes how to live a just life through the creation of a city, as opposed to focusing on the individual or going about the concept in a more abstract manner, he also realizes that justice is the quality of the soul, and a soul can only be pure if he or she ignores temptations. Socrates concludes that education and obedience are parallels. By educating citizens on the laws, a…show more content…
By vividly illustrating the different levels of Hell, Dante portrays one’s descent in Hell through the different stages of wickedness. The nine circles that classify each individual’s punishment include: limbo, lust, gluttony, greed, anger, heresy, violence, fraud, and treachery. For example, when Dante reaches the seventh circle that is categorized by violence, he sees people that committed murder, violence against others and property, and suicide. Punishments for this level include notable leaders such as alexander the Great eternally stuck in boiling blood and fire. He also observes the consequences of those who executed suicidality acts; they were condemned to remain a tree or a bush for the rest of time. Dante uses symbolism to assign a different degree of punishment to each treacherous act. Likewise, Plato uses allegories, specifically in his section of the “Allegory of the Cave” to describe a person’s journey with ignorance and wisdom. The opening of the cave symbolizes the ignorance of humanity, but as a person ascents from the cave, the sunlight they see as they exit the cave represents…show more content…
Plato believed that a just ruler governs his people based upon his or her’s moral virtue. The context of “The Prince” primarily focuses on the political conflict in Italy during the rule of the Medici Family. Through his expression of how to properly rule specifically to that time period, Machiavelli goes against the teachings of Plato by expressing his views that a leader is justified in whatever action he or she chooses to implement as long as they are benefitting their country. This outlook may be a beneficial in Machiavelli’s mind, but in Dante’s ideology, it would locate one in a deeper level of Hell when they die. Machiavelli also disregards the teachings of Plato because he believes those manifestations to be too perfect to be existent to reality. Machiavelli thinks purely from a political standpoint; therefore, he believes that the imaginary republic that Plato creates is a waste of time due to their

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