Every Life Is Valuable Essay

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I believe that ‘Every life is valuable’, it is because of my recent personal experience which changed my life completely. Each life is just not one life it’s a whole family who are dependent on them and their future. So I have decided to do my bit for that reason for well-being of people who are around me either friends, colleagues, relatives or fellow traveller or any human whoever it may be which in turn called society. As I contribute both professionally and personally for safety improvement. First let’s talk about professional, as I am part of Rail Transport organisation and being signalling Design Engineer whose main job is to ensure safety in whatever we do or design. To talk in layman language our job is to provide interlocking solution to client requirements for a specified line i.e. set of stations for a particular region. That means we design different circuits and logics to run trains by ensuring safety. In our job safety plays a vital role as it costs human life. We…show more content…
One of such incident is when one of my relative met with major accident and caused head injury. He remained in coma for almost some months and the single mother was in worst state as her world was only son as he lost his father in his childhood itself. The main root cause for this incident is riding bike without helmet, otherwise he might have been in a better position with minor injuries but not with at least major head injury. I have seen his mother struggling for him with hospital expenses and with her job as she was on leave for few months And also with many other things as she did had any other support. Even though doctors told that there is no improvement she doesn’t want to even miss 0.01% chance to save him as he was only her
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