The Jilting Of Granny Weatherall

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The short story “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall” is about an old woman who is haunted by her past memories. She was afraid that God would abandon her after death the same way she was left at the altar on her wedding day. This is a good story to read overall because it has many life lessons including to not let past mistakes ruin our future lives. Although, this old woman was haunted about many memories, she did succeed in life by getting married with someone else and had children. In short, the story was fun to read and was not predictable. 2) The narrator’s epiphany at the end of “Cathedral” is the fact that even though, the narrator had a wrong idea about blindness at the beginning of the story, he has learned how to better understand blindness by experiencing blindness himself. Although, the narrator was not blind, he was judging blind people the wrong way. He was an ego-centric person who judge people from one side of view. However, at the end of the story, it was a blind man who opens the narrator’s eyes about how wrong he was about blind people. The narrator was told to draw the “Cathedral” with his eyes closed which was the opportunity he has to see the world from a different perspective. 3)…show more content…
It’s a short science-fiction story that is old, but still very interesting and valuable to read. The story is well written because it doesn’t have too much foreshadowings that will make the ending very easy to guess. Also, the taught that one man and one butterfly can have such impact on the future is mind blowing. I would recommend this book to anyone, even to the people who dislike
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