Ethos Pathos Logo Analysis

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When selling you need to know how to persuade the subject, consumer, buyer, etc. Persuasion breaks down into three different categories and within those categories lies the keys to changing someone’s mind described by Aristotle the arguer. The first category, Ethos, is all about Character and credibility, “If you want someone to believe you, you must first believe yourself” (, pg#1). To have or obtain credibility you must show you are dependable and you can’t be skeptical about yourself. In other words you have to sell yourself to sell the product or idea at hand. The second category is Pathos which deals with emotions, “Pathos appeals to the emotions of the listener. Seeking to excite them or otherwise arouse their interest.” (, pg# 2). Pathos can spark passion like in motivational speeches or trigger a positive memory that can be used as leverage towards selling. Using Pathos to trigger a liking and then relating it to yourself to build trust with Ethos can work as a great strategy. The last category, Logos, is focused on reason and rational explanation to show why the reason/idea/product will help or is better than the other (idea). “A common tool in reasoning is two link two items together, for example by cause and effect.”…show more content…
“We will not buy from people we do not trust” (Vera, pg#1). When we persuade we are developing trust and using Ethos to connect to the subject, so when they do buy they have a feeling of reassurance. When persuading involves Pathos, it involves the emotions and it uses them to drive the idea into their head. “You can’t force someone to do what they don’t want; instead, the art of persuasion is getting them to want what you want” (, pg#1). Persuading works by getting the person to believe in something different and by gently implying the idea so that it seems such a good idea that it can’t be passed

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