Analysis Of Capital Punishment, Restoration And Moral Rightness By Hugo Bedau

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Some may argue that although murder is unlawful and wrong because it is causing harm to individuals in a spiteful manner and it is no different than what the capital punishment is doing. In the peer reviewed article “Capital Punishment, Restoration and Moral Rightness” Gary Cowell delivered a message from the philosopher Hugo Bedau who proposes a fantasy-world scenario in which the execution of a murder restores his murder victim life. Bedau argues that death penalty is morally wrong because he believed that later on in life a murderer could change. “Why shouldn’t a murderer die if that will infallibly bring that innocent victim back to life? … The whole idea is fanciful, of course, but it shows as nothing else can how opposition of the death penalty cannot be moral and wholly unconditional” (Bedau 1).…show more content…
You can’t just let out a murderer believing he will be a changed man. Going back to the case Coker v. Georgia as I had explained before up in the beginning, because they had let this man to just served time in jail when he was free, he triggered more troubles. Just because someone served time in jail, it don’t necessarily mean they have a lesson learned or won’t cause another innocent to lose their life once again. That is why the death penalty in Bedau’s scenario would be relatively more severe than the death penalty for a murderer in an actual case where the dead victim naturally stays dead. But just because capital punishment is morally wrong in his fantasy world, it does not mean that it is morally wrong in this world. Could it be really wrong for people to get praise for good deed and punishment for the bad ones? It is really considered morally wrong if you are just finding justice. What is the price of justice? In some cases, we look directly towards death

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