Ethnic Conflict

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Is federalism the solution to ethnic conflicts? Federalism can be a means to resolve conflict and deal with ethnic division. In our country, the driving force in adopting a federal form of government is the conflicts in the southern part of the country whose groups are claiming for autonomous state/s. The question left unanswered is the certainty that federalism can eradicate such ethnic division, or can federalism minimize such conflicts and help build a nation? How can federalism maintain diversity and difference? Let us discuss why federalism is being championed by the Duterte administration. Reasons for Federalization Conflict Management and National Unity The Philippines has been struggling and exerting every effort to resolve ethnic conflicts…show more content…
The Philippines have been battling with Muslim separatist movements, decades after decades; consequently, peace negotiations have been initiated and laid on the table in an attempt to secure peace. Peace negotiations were initiated in the late 70s between the Philippine government and the leaders of Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) which was signed in Tripoli calling for a ceasefire and even granting them autonomy in Mindanao thus the creation of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao; sadly, ceasefire failed as fighting resumed the year after. Then, MILF sprung from the MNLF group. For years, the Philippine government has been talking peace with the MILF which resulted to a peace negotiation in Malaysia in the year 1987. All these rebellions are for the objective of self-determination, self-identity, and claim of their homeland. Scholars have come to a strong consensus that the only solution to this ethnic problem is to grant the Muslim insurgents the right to their lands based on the principle of self-determination and cultural…show more content…
The missing piece in its improvement is the weak process of accountability. The LGUs have not been held accountable for their fiscal behaviour, which, as a matter of fact, is necessary so that voters may hold local authorities accountable. The enactment of the Local Government Code of 1991 became the basis for fiscal reform in the Philippines. It broadened the assigned responsibilities and taxing powers of the local governments. After decades, it is but important to evaluate the how this fiscal decentralization changed the way public services are being delivered. What is the promise of fiscal decentralization in a federal form of government? Are local authorities more responsible in a way that they are more accountable in the performance of their

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