The Kite Runner By Wilfred Owen: Conflict

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Explore how writers present conflict in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hossieni and War Poetry by Wilfred Owen. How does your reading of The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde illustrate your understanding? Conflict is the disagreement between groups of people or individuals that is caused by opposing factors, ideologies and influences. It can range from a verbal argument between two people to the complete genocide of an entire race. Additionally, conflict can be presented within individuals – the capacity that people have to conform to society and the struggle that this can have. The Kite Runner depicts the real political and historical events that were happening in Afghanistan in the 1970’s such as the Taliban regime and Soviet war. External…show more content…
Hossieni uses the backdrop of the Soviet war; a conflict between the Afghanistan rebels called Mujahedeen and the Afghanistan government, so that the characters are always under threat. Hossieni explains that the ‘shootings and explosions’ are immoral and how ‘frightened’ the people in Kabul are. The noun “explosion” could show that the war had just burst into people lives and they weren’t expecting it as many “explosions” tend to happen without a warning. The war was causing the younger generation to forget peace and become consumed by the war as Hossieni explains that the “Afghan children who would know nothing but the sounds of bombs and gunfire”. The children have been exposed to fighting and therefore war has become a social norm. The noun “nothing “could show the innocence that has been removed from their lives. This will inevitably cause conflict as these children haven’t lived a normal childhood, as they have been exposed to war, rather than staying at home and playing. World War One led to the deaths of many soilders, this lead to external and internal conflict as Wilfred Owen demonstrations in the poem ‘Dulce et Docorum Est’. This poem describes the soliders as ‘deaf’, ‘lame’ and ‘blind' - all rather pitiful language. This creates vulnerability, however this reveals the reality of war and it's effects it can have on everyone. Owen uses the triplet of verbs and this has an…show more content…
He then explains that “I wish I could open my veins and drain his cursed blood from my body...” This could also show that he does want to become a better person, but he has been contaminated with such an undesirable past that he can’t change. This could show that suicide is being reborn and the excruciating pain with be everlasting. However, the word “cursed” could show that this bond cannot be broken, the evil will always exist. This term could also imply that the desperation one can have, into changing their lifestyles. This could show that he is questioning his identity and is unaware of his sense of self. This could show internal conflict as Amir believes that evil will always remain in him and he is psychologically harmed. Hossieni uses bloody imagery to show the hatred Amir has towards his father. Amir says “Maybe Hassan was the price I had to pay, the lamb I had to slay, to win Baba.” Amir compares Hassan to the sacrificial lamb of Eid in Islam. Nevertheless, Amir could show that Hassan is vulnerable as ‘lambs’ are seen as vulnerable. Little did he know by that by sacrificing Hassan to Aseef, Amir sacrificed himself to guilt. Psychologically he will remain guilty and this affects him in his adulthood. Religion is important throughout the novel as Amir struggles internally and he begins to question his own beliefs. Religion has had a huge

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