The Hunger Games: Book Analysis

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It is very difficult to know the intentions of the writers of the texts, especially on Rowlandson’s case because the versions we have, although were written by herself, were also edited and revised by some Puritans Reverends and the real intentions are lost. However there are some ideas that can be found in the cover page, under the title when she says that it is “written by her own hand, for her private use” but lately published after some friends’ requests “for the benefit of the afflicted.” Those types of texts, catalogued within the captivity narrative genre, are “valuable documents charting our literary and cultural history” (Derouninan-Stodola, 253). Mary’s narrative is an “eye-witness/outcast” testimony that places its truthfulness…show more content…
She started her professional career as TV scriptwriter and she adapted her acquired skills into her narrative style, like the three-act division of the book or the constant evolution of the characters (Henthorne, 16). According to Collins’ words, the idea of this book emerged while she was zapping and saw in a very small lapse of time images of a TV show in one channel and war images in another one. Very conscious with the reality of the war because of his father, member of the army, who was working in several places around the world, she was shocked with the coldness in front of those real and devastating images and the pleasure of the current society about people suffering in TV reality shows (Hudson). Henthorne says that “the Hunger Games Trilogy would tell us about the world we live in and how we might to go about change it” (7). Undoubtedly this story shocks the readers because it proposes a future in which the society is not able to distinguish what violence is the real and what is fictionalize – specially the Capitol’s citizens. It portrays a world in which civilians are under the war winner’s tyranny that in the past established teenagers’ deaths as a tribute to be paid annually just because the districts are full of the sons of the defeated ones. The Hunger Games, as well as Rowlandson’s
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