Essay On Sources Of Power

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Power refers to having authority and influence over the behaviour of others. Depending on how it is used, power can result in either positive or negative consequences in an organization. If someone controls something that you desire that person can have power over you. The definition of power implies that it is a potential that need not be portrayed to be effective as one can have power but not use it; a function of dependence that is if you depend on somebody that person has greater power to influence your relationship; a person being influenced has some discretion to make choices over his own behaviour. Various sources of power There are two broad classifications of sources of power namely Formal Power and Personal Power. Under each classification we have the following sources: I. Formal Power • Coercive Power- is derived from a person's ability to influence others through threats, punishments or sanctions. One reacts to this power out of fear of the negative consequences that might occur if one had failed to comply. It rests on the application of the threat, of physical sanctions such as the infliction of pain, the generation of frustration through restriction of movement, or the controlling by force of basic physiological or safety needs. A junior police officer may work late to meet a deadline to…show more content…
Expert power is derived from possessing knowledge or expertise in a particular area. Such people are highly valued by organizations for their problem solving skills. People who have expert power perform critical tasks and are therefore deemed indispensable. The opinions, ideas and decisions of people with expert power are held in high regard by other employees and hence greatly influence their actions. Possession of expert power is normally a stepping stone to other sources of power such as legitimate power. For example, a person who holds expert power can be promot ed to senior management, thereby giving him legitimate
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