Summary Of Essay 'Energy In The Executive' By Richard Hamilton

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Many people believe a president with so much power in his/her hand undermines the essence of a republican government, but in the essay no. 70 of the Federalist journal, Hamilton claims an energetic and forceful president is essential to an effective government. In this essay, he points out that “energy in the executive” is an essential component of the executive branch of a government, as it’s mentioned in the United States constitution. According to political scientists, the “energy” that Hamilton talks about is one of the grounds that have pushed to the presidential power’s expansion in the modern presidency era. The essay shows how Hamilton strongly believe that defending the country, administrating the law and protecting the property rights all depend on the power of the…show more content…
The two important tools that a president can rely on are persuasion and bargaining to push forward the policies. He also mentions that presidents need to bargain to influence other branches of government, as well as a need to bargain within the executive branch itself. Power in the American political system is shared so the president is one of the players of the game. It is obvious that everyone, in this game, needs to use persuading policy to help themselves, even the president. But the president has a high hand because more people need his favors then he/she needs theirs. To surmise, he tries to convince the readers that an effective president is the one who understand and perform persuasion and bargaining in the best way to convince other players that their interests are to work with him/her. I think Neustadt is completely right on about the persuasion and bargaining because when a president relies on his/her formal powers and ignore the power of persuasion, he probably fails to become an effective president. And the result is an increasingly frustrated American

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