Analysis Of The Catcher In The Rye

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Jerome David Salinger is a well-known figure in present-day society for his literature inspired by war. Salinger was born on January 1st of 1919 in New York and died in early 2010 on January 27th in New Hampshire. Salinger spent most of his life in Manhattan’s fashionable upper west side and had a variety of academic struggles causing him to attend various prep schools. He later serves in the military during World War II in the tragic invasion of Normandy and was later hospitalized due to PTSD with effects of anxiety and depression resulting from the war. During the times of post-war many other citizens were dissatisfied impacting the atmosphere of the society and upbringing of children negatively. Salinger’s works are generally inspired by…show more content…
As Holden is the protagonist of the entire novel of the Catcher in the Rye, the use of shots in Holden’s point of view is very effective as the audience has more of the ability to see the events in his perspective. These perspective shots help portray Holden’s loss of innocence and phony perspective of the world, which is somewhat biased similar to the novel. Not only is the perspective angles useful in understanding Holden’s perspective but also is appealing to the audience as the audience feels as if they are in Holden’s shoes experiencing the various events. The use of Holden’s thoughts in the dialogue also effectively help the audience understand the thoughts going across holden’s mind for various decisions and leaves some cliffhangers with unknown information which makes the audience think about what will happen next. In addition, the use of the dark lighting also helps portray the depression of Holden and his loss of innocence as a painful experience. In contrary, the shots of Phoebe are bright as she is one of the things that keeps holden grounded as present throughout the imagery holden creates when remembering phoebe in the novel. The use of intense music and fast cuts between Phoebe and running is also used to enhance the conflict in Holden’s mind when he needs to decide if he is going to leave Pencey forever or stay.…show more content…
Salinger and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Brave New World is about a technologically advanced society in which a Savage, John, enters the Brave New World and dislikes the society of false happiness. The similarity between Holden Caulfield and John the Savage is quite intriguing, particularly their constant loss of innocence resulting in isolation which forms mental illness. The two characters have seen so much in the world corrupting their innocence which drives them to isolation and end up depressed. Holden and John constantly run away from their problems leading to life-changing results because they fear change. The society of ‘phoniness’ drives them to stand out as they disagree with the way things are like in the Catcher In The Rye how Holden is surrounded by fake people, “One of the biggest reasons I left Elkton Hills was because I was surrounded by phonies. That's all. They were coming in the goddam window.” (Salinger 19). Perspectives from corruption forms similarities of sadness formed by the change in their societies like how John disagrees with use of soma in The Brave New World, “Listen, I beg of you,"... "Lend me your ears…" [...] "Don't take that horrible stuff. It's poison, it's poison." (Huxley 185). Similar with the loss of innocence, as they both explore the world and it’s false happiness, they feel different and become depressed due to

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