The Naxalite Conflict In India

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In this essay, I examine some possible historical reasons as to why one of the routes being taken by the state to resolve the Naxalite conflict is by providing free education opportunities. The ideas explored in this essay are – Schooling as a method of shaping modern society, the importance of national integration and the role the school plays, and education in the realm of Naxals and Adivasis and their integration in to modern Indian society. 15th August 1947, sees India taking control of itself as an independent, sovereign nation. Jawaharlal Nehru instructs the new citizens of India, in his speech ‘Tryst with Destiny’ of the ‘task ahead’ which would transform India, by ‘ending poverty and ignorance and disease and inequality of opportunity’.…show more content…
Looking closely at the issue of the Naxalites, I will be analyzing the role of education, and how it impacts the social integration of the Naxals, and their participation and assumed eagerness towards becoming a part of the state’s programs. Further I will also attempt at providing some resolution towards the reforms that the state provides for surrendered Naxalites, and the schemes of interested individuals, interested in reforms for Adivasis. About 8.6% of the Indian population, around 104 million people are a part of the Adivasi community. This marginalized population have “gained least and lost most from six decades of democracy and development in India”. The Adivasis of India see no hope for survival in terms of their citizenship and livelihood, connected to the state. The state on the other hand has neglected the marginalized population and has not kept to their constitutional responsibilities. The Naxalites, assumed protectors of the Adivasi are also in two minds about the emancipation of the marginalized. They see the participation of Adivasis in everyday life…show more content…
We require numerous certificates and validations proving that we are ‘educated’. For this, all of us must attend schools, and study “numerous texts, and pass innumerable tests at different stages of our ‘cognitive development’. According to Dewey, “Education in its broadest sense, is the means of this social continuity of life”. It helps us retain and communicate our cultural heritage. There is a difference between socialization and education. Children in an adivasi community are perhaps far more socialized than educated because they tag along with their parents to the work place. Seeing their parents work, introduces them to their reality on a first-hand basis. Whereas they may not be educated at all. Adivasi communities in India face a great deal of difficulty when trying to prove their identities at government centers. Because they are illiterate, they are unware of the documents required and the requirements for their basic rations, that they are enlightened to. Primarily this is the fault of the government. Being aware of the situation ever since independence and neglecting the adivasis is probably the largest mistake made by the government regarding marginalized

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