Suppression And Interpersonal Harmony: A Cross-Cultural Analysis

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For my Analysis paper I will discuss about Suppression and interpersonal harmony: A cross-cultural comparison between Chinese and Europen Americans and Eastren vs. Western Learning Approaches. The Suppression and interpersonal harmony: A cross-cultural comparison topic is an empirical study & Quantitative study. The Journal article is based on an age group from 18 year’s to 30’s years of age. The topic Suppression and interpersonal harmony: A cross-cultural comparison discusses about emotional suppression/expression and the negative outcomes. Markus and Kitayama’s (1991) theory suggests that the American culture is a more open and independent type of culture. Western express our emotions and beliefs more than the Eastren cultures. Emotional…show more content…
They are taught that if they have control over their emotions this means they are maintaining interpersonal harmony. From my experience I do notice that the western culture can be very sharing about how they feel about something and the Eastren culture will keep how they feel to themselves. I will share an example about my father’s girlfriend who is Asian. My dad, his girlfriend, my brother, and I all went out to dinner to a place called Bone Fish. My father was very excited and was expressing his happiness at the table (laughing out loud). My father’s girlfriend starts hushing my father, and was looking around at her surroundings, feeling embarrassed. Another thing to keep notice when out, people from the East usually do not spark conversations or will engage in one when you speak to them, from my…show more content…
Learning is very important to Eastren culture. Eastren culture views learning as a persons main purpose in life. The Eastern culture understands that learning makes you a better person and has to be wanted. During Jin Li’s study on Eastren versus the Western, the students from the East will work harder, and longer that students from the West. This doesn’t mean that the Eastren students were smarter for this. As I continued to read about her study, the Western students had come to find out within a few seconds that math problem that they were given was unsolvable but the Eastren students took longer to figure it out. If an Eastren parent recognizes their Childs accomplishments in school it is hardly recognized and for Western parents it is recognized. This is a approach the Eastren culture uses and encourages the child to achieve more/better next time. From my early discussion about the Eastren culture, some of the culture that is taught to their children may make it difficult for Eastren students to interact with peers in the classroom. People think that the Eastren culture interferes with classroom. They are not participating with their peers and would rather engage with their teachers. Sometimes depending on the students in the class I can’t disagree with someone who is from the Easts decision to talk to others teacher

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