Penan Tribe

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The tribal form bring a crucial early role in the evolution of societies because, it excels at the sense of identity, belonging and solidarity. At first, this sense boosts a people’s abilities to survive and even well at a subsistence level (Khaidir, 1993). Later, it bring basis for the rise of ethnic cultures with distinctive languages, traditions and practices. But sometimes, a tribe becomes a weakness that limits a society’s ability to prosper and protect itself (Khaidir, 1993). Thus, as a tribe, Penan nomadic solely experience on their strength and weakness as individual, family, community and societies in daily activities. As it mentioned earlier, the Penan people who having great strength on their hunter-gatherer which not only for food…show more content…
The early Brooke period was primarily concerned to the establishment of government without expanding the land. Piracy and headhunting were both common place during the Brooke rule. Under the rule of the second Rajah Brooke, both planting and mining were encourages to emigration of Chinese. But there was strong opposition against large-scale of European commercial plantation by indigenous communities which include Penan. It is because they belief that there were anti ethical to the interests of the indigenous communities. Brosis (1991), who is one researcher about Penan which detected a strong strain of Penan exceptionalism in the early phase of Brooke rule. Penan viewed as a special and need of protection. This is because Penan is the last surviving hunter-gatherer tribe in South- East Asia as they have received more international attention than the other tribes of Sarawak (Brosis, 1991). Moreover, Penan people are acknowledged masters of tracking and hunting in forest (Khaidir, 1993). There know the valuable resource in…show more content…
It was begun in 1960 in the Baram district which held three or four times a year at mutually agreed places (Needham & Rodney, 1953). Brooke colonial officials met up with the Penan communities with that purpose to protect penan from exploitation. Tamu is close to the forest of the Penan to offered forest products like damar, rattan mats and baskets, rhino horn, gaharu wood, wild rubber, monkey gallstones for Chinese medicine, bills of horns bills and deer antlers (Khaidir, 1993). Apparently, the most import aspects of tamu not only for trading, tax collection or provision of medical services but have official dialogues sessions which colonial about exchanged news and pertinent information (Needham & Rodney, 1953). These tamu sessions become central to the lives of the Penan and continued for to 70 years. After 1930, there was a new shift of emphasis under the Brooke regime which is moving from conservation or preservation to one of transformation to the indigenous people in Sarawak (Needham & Rodney, 1953). In terms of Penan governance at the end of the Brooke regime, this shift represents a new rethinking about Penan native welfare and development (Needham & Rodney, 1953). The Penan’s together and convincing the government to help them but until they agree to give up their nomadic existence has it be done to help them. After that, the Brooke period was

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