Essay On Mysticism

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Abstract: Mysticism is a consciousness of the transcendental Reality which is infinite and eternal and which permeates, pervades and gives meaning to the finite creation. Mysticism may also be defined as the enlightened effort of the mind to transcend the barriers of the sensory world and yield itself to the ultimate Reality. Plato had suggested, in Book VI of the Republic, that the Form of the Good was supreme in the world of the Forms. Plotinus' philosophy may be seen as a set of variations on this Platonic theme. He refers to the Supreme Form more frequently as The One than as The Good, and emphasizes its aspects of Unity, Intelligence, and Soul or Life. This transcendent vision of the Supreme Form is of abiding importance in a mystic’s…show more content…
(Savitri) This transcendent vision not only predominates but also is of paramount importance in a mystic’s life. Mysticism denotes a splendid state of sublime, solemn and spiritual vision in which one has an intuitive perception of an infinite and eternal reality which pervades and permeates the universe. Caroline Spurgeon has pointed out in Mysticism in English Literature , the true mystic knows that there is unity in diversity at the heart of all existence ; mysticism , therefore, is the ardent adventure of the soul , ‘ the flight of the Alone to the Alone’(Plotinus). In England it was during the 14th century that mystical literature flourished the most. The writings of mystics like Walter Hilton, Richard Rolle and Lady Julian of Norwich came to be widely read. The 17th century witnessed the blooming of the mystical verse. Many poets belonging to the school of Metaphysical Poetry wrote poems that disclose a sensibility akin to the mystical. Henry Vaughan was the true forerunner of Aurobindo in their intense longing for ‘light’ which is symbolical of divine energy and spiritual lustre. Vaughan’s most celebrated poem, The World records some incomparable mystical lines: “I saw Eternity the other
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