Essay On Working Holiday

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Most of the Asian and some of European students, who has limited English language skills, wants to experience working holiday in Australia. Many have tried it is different with what they hope or expect it to be. Claudia is one of the people who found that the working holiday in Australia is unfair. She worked in the farm to pick beans but only about $3 per hour and she pick beans about 6 hours and she will just get $20 per day. She didn’t come back after that. According to her, she is told the owner of the farm that she will not come back on the next day because she is not a slave. She also mentioned that Chinese or Asian was paid less than the Europeans and also has different hostel. Many of the young workers complained at the Fair Work Ombudsman about this under-payment. They have also stated, all of working holidaymakers has the same rights as Australian workers. Young men and women, who challenge to go to do working holiday its not a proper job its like a part time job. The kind of job they get is like factory and in the farm, it is simple but takes a lot of doesn’t pay well and sometimes it can’t cover the accommodation for them. Some of the young woman got molested and if it is more they were always almost got raped by some of their employer.…show more content…
They will still do it, so, they can get the more money. Most of the students they don’t have actual contract when they starts their work so they are terrified if the employer changes there mind. And if they didn’t follow what the employer instructed, they will be endangered and be afraid because they are not in there own country and they will not have any choice, but just to do what the employers’ instructed to do. And that is the reason why students need to be patient. The government really needs to make some serious and effective policies to prevent more of these things to

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