Essay On Mass Incarceration

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Mass Incarceration: Causes and Prevention The idea of crime and punishment seems to be very straightforward matter. It is understood that if someone commits a crime, then he or she should have to deal with the consequences of their actions. However, if we take a closer look, it becomes clear that crime and punishment are problems that develop as a result of racial prejudice and perceptions about African Americans. The United Stated criminal justice system maintains the social and economic class divisions, by suppressing the blacks, therefore leading to social inequality and lack of opportunities for the black population. It is for this reason that I believe that mass incarceration is a result of social control and economic hierarchy that exists…show more content…
Mauer and Western seem to have some similar ideas in their analysis, such as their regards to public policy. Both arguments focus on law and order politics and perhaps determinate sentencing. However, I feel as if Western has the more persuasive analysis because he takes race into consideration, which to me is the biggest factor of mass incarceration. Mauer seems to argue that if there is racial bias in the political system, then it is not indented (Mauer 1999). Western does a better job at linking more aspects together to explain mass…show more content…
As far as Western’s analysis goes, I think all of his points are pretty spot on which is why his argument for mass incarceration is the most persuasive in my opinion. There is a clear racial injustice that lies within the criminal justice system. If mass incarceration were to ever come to an end, as a nation I truly believe acknowledging this problem and making conscious efforts to reduce this disparity is the only way to

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