The Importance Of Multicultural Communication

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The most widely recognized motivation to have a meeting is to talk about something. It could be another thought, another open door, an issue, to conceptualize something, achieve a choice about something or any number of things. Be that as it may, everything comes down to examination and eye to eye collaboration. To handle a meeting, FIRST, one should do planning. What is the purpose of it? Who are the audiences? Is it appropriate? Do some exploration on likely social contrasts and Decide on proper strategy that would best beat any potential obstructions to guarantee clear correspondence. SECONDLY, the conduct of the meeting. Where will it be held? How is the sitting plan? How is the punctuality? Is it straight to business or a relationship…show more content…
Will the decision making be based on majority or consensus? THIRDLY, ending the meeting. Consider how action points are to be completed. Delegate or request? Be sure to clearly define what is agreed in writing (Minutes of the meeting), allow time for different approach to completing tasks. Relationship building then task (slower results) or Task with concurrent relationship building (quicker results)? And LASTLY, Consider how to address missed agreements (Face to face or letter?), As you set to work on multicultural meetings, keep in mind these additional guidelines, practice and get better at cross-cultural communication, Don't assume that there is one right way to communicate, Search for ways to make the communication work, Be prepared to see "the other's" point of view rather than getting defensive or impatient and always keep in mind that there are six potential areas of cross-cultural misunderstanding which…show more content…
FIRSTLY, planning. What is the purpose? Who is the audience? And is it appropriate? SECONDLY, conduct of the presentation where will it be held? How is the sitting plan? And how is the punctuality? Is the presentation style interactive or passive? The communication style (the body language and the tone of their voice)? Approach to knowing (Is it research based or experience based)? Visual aids (Power point, videos and practical demonstrations). THIRDLY, Concluding the Presentation. Feedback (Is it expected or not expected?), Confirming Understanding and Disclosure of information (Do you expect the audience to be frank or covert?). As you set to work on multicultural presentations, keep this in

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