Essay On Imperialism

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European countries were expanding throughout the world and applying their imperialist ideas on their conquered land during the eighteenth and early nineteenth century. European countries aimed to modernize and advance technology in their conquered land without realizing the damages it caused to the country. Greedy rulers in the Congo, loss of culture in India, and unreasonable enforced trading by the British in China were just some of the horrible effects caused by imperialism throughout the world, contributing to the unfavorable legacy of imperialism for the world. To start off, imperialism in the Congo occured due to David Livingstone, who was one of the greatest European explorers of Africa. He was a missionary from Scotland and he led…show more content…
All the conflict in China commenced when they started trade with Britain. Britain was trading opium, a drug, to China which caused the civilians to become addicted. The Qing government tried to ban the use of opium, but unfortunately the British ignored the Qing government and continued to trade opium with China(Foreign Imperialism 1). Therefore, the Chinese government was forced to continue trading with Europe which got the Chinese government infuriated. This anger and frustration led to the Opium War in 1839. The war took place in the sea and China lost. Consequently, China had to sign the treaty of Nanjing which gave Britain the island of Hong Kong(Littell 806). To continue the negative imperialism in China, lots of people suffered from hunger due to the growing population and the food production stayed the same. This was a major cause of the Taiping Rebellion, a bloody, thirteen year war that caused the death of about twenty million people. The rebellion started with Hong Xiuquan, he recruited followers to join and follow his way of living. His way of living was that people had to share their wealth and no one should live in poverty. Obviously, lots of peasants joined Xiuquan and the rebellion spread like wildfire. By 1850, he created a massive peasant army and his army took control of parts in Southeast China. After numerous brutal battles, the Taiping
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