Russia And Japanese Imperialism Essay

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Russia and Japan were a threat to the West’s growing power, because both of these nations slowly, or in Japan’s case—quickly—and this growth added to the competition of imperialism, later on, when both Russia and Japan had grown enough. Russia and Japan were particularly special because they did not stop reforms, like other countries, during Western domination. Therefore, excluding the West, Russia and Japan were the only ones that industrialized before the 1960s. Although both Russia and Japan improved as a nation, they both used Western advice, something they were not completely fond of. However, since both countries had experience in mimicry, such as the Japanese towards China and Russia towards Byzantium and the West, they knew how to get…show more content…
With the trans-Siberian railroad, Russia was connected to the Pacific, meaning more mining and grain exports. Education was also improved, not only for men but for women. Foreign involvement was evident with the fact that Russia had about half its factories owned by foreigners, especially the British, German, and French. Technology, on the other hand, did not improve as much. As for the Japanese, there were many changes. For instance, there was more secularism, in terms that neo-Confucianism was more common than Buddhism. Education was bettered by the fact of the presence of terakoya, meaning commoner schools, which taught reading, grammar, and basic Confucianism. Literacy soared, even for women. The ideas of nationalism and loyalty to the emperor was predominant in Japan. These ideas also united them, allowing few social revolts and retaining of their culture but still allowing them to adapt to Western ideas. Although Japan was isolated, some Japanese were able to use Dutch information at the time. Once the ban of Western books was lifted in 1720, there were many schools open for education in classes such as Dutch

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